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Use Best Onion Hair Oil As Hair Growth Remedy

best onion hair oil in India

In the quest for healthy, shiny, and strong hair, onion hair oil has emerged as a powerful ally. Known for its rich sulfur content, which aids in promoting hair growth and preventing breakage, onion hair oil has become a favorite among those seeking natural solutions to hair problems. But with so many products on the market, how do you choose the best onion hair oil? Here’s an in-depth look at the top contenders of 2024, their benefits, and what sets them apart.

Why Onion Hair Oil?

Onion hair oil is packed with nutrients that are essential for hair health:

  • Sulfur: Promotes collagen production and strengthens hair.
  • Antioxidants: Combat free radicals, reducing hair aging and damage.
  • Antibacterial Properties: Help maintain a healthy scalp, preventing dandruff and infections.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Nourish the scalp and hair follicles.

These properties make this oil a potent solution for various hair issues, including hairfall, thinning, and dullness.

Top 5 Best Onion Hair Oils of 2024

1. WOW Skin Science Red Onion Black Seed Oil

  • Ingredients: Red onion extract, black seed oil, almond oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil.
  • Benefits: This blend not only nourishes the scalp but also strengthens hair follicles. The addition of black seed oil provides an extra boost in combating hair thinning and promoting regrowth.
  • Why It Stands Out: WOW Skin Science is known for its commitment to natural ingredients and quality. This oil is free from sulfates, parabens, and mineral oils, ensuring a pure and effective product.

2. Mamaearth Onion Oil For Hair

  • Ingredients: Onion seed oil, almond oil, bhringraj oil, amla oil, and redensyl.
  • Benefits: Redensyl is a breakthrough ingredient that targets hair growth at a cellular level. Combined with traditional Indian ingredients like bhringraj and amla, this oil not only reduces hair fall but also improves the overall health of the scalp.
  • Why It Stands Out: Mamaearth is renowned for its eco-friendly and toxin-free products. Their onion hair oil is dermatologically tested, making it safe for all hair types.

3. Kapiva Onion Hair Oil

  • Ingredients: Onion seed oil, bhringraj, amla, bhrami, and coconut oil.
  • Benefits: This oil is a powerhouse of Ayurvedic ingredients known for their hair-enhancing properties. It helps reduce hair fall, promotes regrowth, and adds a natural shine to your locks.
  • Why It Stands Out: Kapiva combines ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern science to create a potent formulation that delivers visible results.

4. StBotanica Onion Hair Oil

Oil Image With Packaging Box
  • Ingredients: Onion oil, Moroccan argan oil, castor oil, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil.
  • Benefits: This blend offers deep nourishment and hydration, making it ideal for dry and damaged hair. The tea tree oil helps in maintaining a healthy scalp, free from dandruff and infections.
  • Why It Stands Out: StBotanica uses high-quality, cold-pressed oils that retain maximum nutrients, ensuring a highly effective product.

5. Khadi Global Red Onion Hair Oil

best hair oil for hair growth in India by Khadi Natural Herbal
  • Ingredients: Red onion oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, and fenugreek oil.
  • Benefits: This oil not only strengthens the hair but also adds volume and shine. Fenugreek oil is known for its ability to prevent hair loss and dandruff.
  • Why It Stands Out: Khadi Global products are crafted following traditional methods and using organic ingredients, ensuring a holistic approach to hair care.

How to Use Onion Hair Oil for Best Results

  1. Application: Part your hair and apply the oil directly to your scalp. Massage gently in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation.
  2. Leave-in Time: For maximum benefits, leave the oil in for at least an hour. For deep conditioning, you can leave it overnight.
  3. Washing: Use a mild shampoo to wash off the oil. Ensure you rinse thoroughly to remove all residues.
  4. Frequency: For best results, use onion oil 2-3 times a week.


1. What makes onion oil effective for hair growth?

Onion hair oil is effective due to its high sulfur content, which promotes collagen production necessary for healthy hair growth. It also contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that nourish the scalp and strengthen hair follicles, reducing breakage and hair fall.

2. Can onion oil help with dandruff?

Yes, onion hair oil has antibacterial properties that help maintain a healthy scalp by preventing dandruff and infections. Ingredients like tea tree oil or neem oil, often added to onion oil formulations, further enhance its dandruff-fighting capabilities.

3. Is onion hair oil suitable for all hair types?

Onion hair oil is generally suitable for all hair types, including dry, oily, and normal hair. However, it’s essential to choose a product that matches your specific hair needs, such as additional moisturizing ingredients for dry hair or lighter oils for oily hair.

4. How often should I use onion hair oil for better results?

For optimal results, it is recommended to use onion oil 2-3 times a week. Regular use ensures that the hair and scalp receive continuous nourishment and benefits from the oil’s properties.

5. Can I leave onion oil on overnight?

Yes, leaving this oil on overnight can provide deep conditioning and maximum benefits. Just ensure you cover your pillow with a towel or use a shower cap to avoid staining your bedding.

6. Does onion hair_oil smell bad?

Onion oil can have a strong smell due to the natural aroma of onions. Many high-quality products include essential oils like lavender, rosemary, or peppermint to mask the odor and make the experience more pleasant.

7. How should I apply onion hair oil?

Part your hair and apply the oil directly to your scalp. Massage gently in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation. Ensure that the oil is evenly distributed throughout your scalp and hair for maximum benefits.

8. Can onion oil prevent hair thinning?

Yes, onion oil can help prevent hair thinning. The sulfur in onions strengthens hair strands, while nutrients like vitamins and minerals nourish the scalp, promoting thicker and fuller hair.

9. Are there any side effects of using this oil?

It is generally safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or irritation. It’s recommended to do a patch test before applying it to your entire scalp. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.

10. What ingredients should I look for in a good onion oil?

A good onion oil should include:

  • Red Onion Extract: The primary source of sulfur.
  • Carrier Oils: Such as coconut, almond, or jojoba oil for added nourishment.
  • Essential Oils: Like rosemary or lavender for enhanced benefits and pleasant fragrance.
  • Herbal Extracts: Ingredients like bhringraj, amla, or fenugreek for additional hair growth and scalp health benefits.

11. How long does it take to see results with onion oil?

Results can vary based on individual hair conditions and the frequency of use. Generally, noticeable improvements in hair texture and reduction in hair fall can be seen within 4-6 weeks of regular use.

12. Can I use onion oil with other products?

Yes, onion hairoil can be used alongside other care products. However, ensure that you do not overload your hair with too many products simultaneously, as this can lead to build-up and affect the scalp’s health.


Choosing the best onion hair oil in India depends on your specific hair needs and preferences. The oils listed above have been selected for their high-quality ingredients, efficacy, and customer satisfaction. Incorporating these oils into your hair care routine can lead to stronger, shinier, and healthier hair. Embrace the power of nature with onion oil and unlock the secret to beautiful locks.